Our charitable objects are:

  • the advancement of education in the area of arts, culture and heritage by the increase of individual and collective knowledge and understanding of musical creativity, musical history and related matters​
  • the advancement of arts culture and heritage by promoting music and performance by and with those from underrepresented and marginalised groups.

About us:


Multitude of Voyces specialises in supporting underrepresented and marginalised  communities through the creative use of music and words. Our educational resources are used widely in schools, universities, community choirs, churches and cathedrals around the world.


Multitude of Voyces’ resources and projects are prepared and delivered by a highly-qualified 'core team' of professionals experienced in the Education, Performance and Publishing sectors. The organisation has within its core team, draws on the knowledge of, and supports, those with lived experienced and professional knowledge of the areas we seek to address. 


The Founding Director, Louise Stewart, and the co-editor and typesetter Anna Williams, are supported by the Board of Trustees; Mr Peter Jeffreys, Revd Canon Jeremy Davies, Dr Jonathan Clinch, Mrs Julia Mackie, and Mrs Miriam Kimber.


Contractors undertake voluntary or paid work, or a combination of both, to provide comprehensive support on specialist areas: these advisors include Andrew Stewart, IT Advisor, Technician; Repertoire Advisor; Sarah MacDonald, Director of Music at Selwyn College, Cambridge and Director of the Girls' Choir at Ely Cathedral, Repertoire Advisor and Academic Advisor (Tertiary Education); Anita Datta, Inclusion Advisor; Yshani Perinpanayagam, Inclusion Advisor; Olivia Sparkhall, Academic Advisor (Secondary Education); Oliver Parker, Repertoire Advisor (voice); Henry Websdale, Organ Advisor; Dr Alexandra Wilson, academic advisor;  



In addition to the core team of regular Contractors, complementary expertise is drawn in, as relevant to support the content of each of our projects, from associated areas including Musicology and Music History, Creative Writing, Music Therapy, Social-History, Theology, Interfaith study, Special Educational Needs and Sensory Impairment. 


The resources we create as a result of our combined research are purpose-led, innovative, creative, intersectional, interdisciplinary and unique. We target areas where comparable educational materials or support does not exist or is restricted to those with particularly privileged educational opportunities, and where the deliberate omission or neglect of certain groups in society has led to or perpetuated gender, racial or other bias, to the detriment of society as a whole. We often work collaboratively with individuals and in partnership with other charitable organisations to create and provide useful, effective and accessible resources and events which are fully justified both academically and in practice. 


Each project focusses on one or more areas of evidenced historical or current underrepresentation or marginalisation within the field of classical music and associated Arts, with a particular focus on sacred music and themes which support those who belong to the groups defined by the Nine Protected Characteristics determined as Age, Sex (Gender), Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race – this includes colour, nationality and ethnical or national origins- Religion or belief, Sexual orientation (Equality Act 2010).


 Multitude of Voyces advocates for progress in better-representing our identified communities and provides a safe platform for Contributors to present their creative work and academic knowledge.


The sale of the educational resources published by Multitude of Voyces help to meet some of the charity's costs. Other costs have to be met through public donation, grants, or through the Contractors' donated labour. 


New projects (2023) 

How our organisation works

The Director, Louise Stewart, has organisational and financial responsiblity for running the organisation. For all media enquiries or copyright queries please contact louisestewart@multitudeofvoyces.co.uk directly. 01722 332621.

Our lawyers are Wilson's Solicitors, Salisbury: our accountants are Fawcetts of Salisbury. 

Trustees: Revd Canon Jeremy Davies (formerly Precentor at Salisbury Cathedral); Mr Peter Jeffreys (chair of trustees, solicitor, singer); Dr Jonathan Clinch (musicologist, academic (biographer) and organist); Mrs Julia Daniels Mackie (clarinettist, singer, teacher); Mrs Miriam Kimber (solicitor, singer)


Registered Charity Number 1201139

Charities Aid Foundation registration: 91000768708

VAT number: 387523366

Registered address of Multitude of Voyces 7 New Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP12PH



Anti-harassment and bullying policy
Anti-harassment and bullying policy July[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [109.1 KB]
Data protection policy
Data Protection policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [177.7 KB]
Donations policy
Donations policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [114.1 KB]
Equality Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equality Equity Diversity and Inclusion [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [106.5 KB]
Health and Safety policy
Health and Safety policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [135.8 KB]
Lone Working Policy
Lone Working Policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [117.2 KB]
Media and Social Media Policy
Media and Social Media policy July 2023.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [174.6 KB]
Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [202.5 KB]
Safe recruitment policy Aug 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [87.6 KB]
WhistleBlowing Policy
WhistleBlowing policy July 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [288.2 KB]
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© Multitude of Voyces (2022) Registered charity number 1201139 (England and Wales)